Learning the Truth, Living our Faith, and Spreading the Love
where the word is taught and preached, without addition or subtraction.
Sinners are welcomed!
Learning the Truth, Living our Faith, and Spreading the Love
Sinners are welcomed!
The Laurel Street church of Christ is a Bible believing, God fearing body of obedient disciples. We proclaim and practice Christianity according to the pattern set forth in the New Testament. We are very family oriented and committed to the threefold work of the Lord’s church which is evangelism, edification and benevolence.
We pray that during your visit with us that you will be Spiritually fed and edified.
May God continue to bless you.
We have several ministries geared towards spreading the gospel, helping those who are in need or just providing a shoulder to lean on.
Oversight of Bible Teaching and Training of Teachers
Youth Ministry
Ladies Bible Class
Personal Evangelism
Mission Outreach -School Road - Neches, TX, Crowley, LA
San Antonio College - Bible Chair and Food Preparation
Prison Ministry - ( Alamo City )
SWCC Programs
Bi-Lingual Community Outreach
Bi-Annual Health Fair
Lifegroups Ministry
Men's Ministry - Men's activities
Ladies Ministries - Ladies activities, Communion, Baptism assistance
Familiy Life Ministries - To edify, encourage family life through Bible study, counseling, training seminars, enrichment classes and social retreats.
Financial requests and distribution
Food Pantry
Come worship with a congregation that treats everyone like family. The love and hospitality starts at the door and never ends.
It's important to our church family that you feel a welcoming presence when you visit with us. We hope our uplifting and encouraging atmosphere will help you feel relaxed and comfortable. The singing is acapella and built around Biblical themes that are timeless. We hope to see you soon as you join us in worship!
Church building Annex
Food Pantry is open Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm to 4pm. For more information see Bro. Shaw. Thank.
Church building Annex
Comfort of your home or your choosing!
Sisters openly discussing life's challenges and drawing on the Word of God to encourage and edify one another. Contact Sis Grace or Brown fo...
Comfort of your home or your choosing!
Theme: TBD
Speaker: TBD
Cost: TBD
Deadline to pay: TBD
Meal choice deadline, 19 Feb 2025-more to follow.
Point of contact: B...
Church building
Come out and support our monthly community food distribution. By the grace of God we have provided food to over 5,000 families and counting....
Church building
Church building
Practice of congregational English and Spanish hymns. Point of contact: Bro. Moses George.
Church building
If you have a Bible question...we have a Bible answer. Please take advantage of our many opportunities to worship and study God’s word.
Don‘t have a ride? Call 210-734-7495 or 210-685-8070 to arrange transportation.
1747 W Laurel, San Antonio, Texas 78201, United States
Tel: (210) 734-7495
Service Times:
Sunday Bible Class-9:15am
Sunday Morning Worship-10:15am
Sunday Evening Worship-5:30pm
3rd Sunday Men/Women Training Class-4:30pm
Wednesday Morning Bible Class-11:00am
Wednesday Bible Class-7:00pm
Copyright © 2025 Laurel Street Church of Christ - All Rights Reserved.